kids food

children eat the same as us and with us.
for our products, daily menu, delivery and take aways click here

they dont ask for sugar if its not what they are used to and there is no neccessity to expose them to all the overprocessed sugary foods. it is a habit very hard to break at a later stage.
they can also understand if we explain them why those are not good for them and their environment.
in contrary to commun beliefs children do love to eat healthy.
while eating, there is no need to talk. concentrate on what you are doing. one thing at the time.
this gives the children and adult peace of mind and acceptance of the daily basic needs.
research and articles - how child obesity is reduced if we eat together,
until your child is teething he/she needs nothing but mothermilk

from the moment they are teething you can give them anything they are able to eat.
mashed bananas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, grated tomatoes
you can mix food in the mixer, but this might well be unneccessary and a waste of energy.
my children liked to chew on harder things, like bread to help them with the pain of growing teeth
there are too many retrospective findings of poisonous and dangerous processed food,so you dont want to risk this on your children. give them fresh local food. so you know what you are doing. and thats all they need.
my kids ate nuts from the moment they could. obviousy i can not garantee your child wont choke on a nut, but then again, this is an accident and we can not totally avoid accidents, it is in our nature to eat nuts and seeds and children are welcoming those foods. they are not yet confused by our world of processed food and advertising and have an evolutionary knowledge within them.

we give children cooking and baking classes from the age of 4. children love chopping and kneading and to be involved in adult actions.

sun-fri 8.15-9.00

sun, tue, wed, 
water, oats, nuts and raisins

buffalo yoghurt, oats, apples, nuts, raisins
2nd breakfast/early lunch
sun-fri 11.30 -12.15